Friday, June 11, 2010

PB&J on the train

Sometimes you just need to eat something that reminds you of home. Thanks to the fancy grocery store mentioned in the previous post, we were able to find Skippy peanut butter and raspberry jam for our picnic on the train. Don't worry, we didn't have a knife so we got creative and used chopsticks to spread the PB&J!


  1. A sure sign that you miss us! Andrew had a PB&J sandwich for lunch today. It must have been telepathy.


  2. so glad you finally found peanut butter :)

  3. Oh, that makes me think of our lunch in the fjords! I wish I were with you for Japan!!! Am I allowed to say I hate work?

  4. I also wish I was there. Very proud of Sara for trying sushi. I sure Lizzy will introduce her to the best raw fish there is!
